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What is meant by a Genuine Electronic Original document?

A genuine electronic original document (GEO) is a document where its original format is mostly found online in a PDF format. In other words, it is not a document that was originally a hard copy.

As a by-product of the age we live in, it is not uncommon for institutions to issue GEOs. Examples of GEOs consist of but are not limited to utility and bank statements, Australian company searches and even educational awards.

GEOs are generally accessed by logging into online portals requiring passwords, clicking a provided link or even by opening the original email containing the GEO. In order to notarise GEOs properly, an Australian public notary must be able to view/access the original source of the document to vouch for its authenticity.

If you have any questions or would like to engage Australian Notary Services, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.